Eminem Puts Donald Trump On Blast, Labels Him ‘Brainwasher’

Grammy Award-winning rapper, Marshall Matters better known as Eminem has taken swipes against Donald Trump several times over the past seven years, and isnโ€™t letting up on the one-time President whoโ€™s seeking to earn back his chair in the United States of Americaโ€™s highest office.

In a viral undated video shared to the @Rising_path TikTok page Monday, the Detroit MC, 50, is seen clarifying how frustrating it can be talking about Trump, mentioning he has so many critiques of the businessman, that he is often โ€œflustered in my headโ€ while trying to get his thoughts out. This left many right-wingers with the belief that โ€œTrump broke Eminem,โ€ which soon commenced trending online.

The rap muse, however, clearly articulated his issues with the former leader within the rest of the black and white clip.

โ€œWatching him play to his base that thinks that he cares about them โ€” and itโ€™s actually the people that he cares about the f**king least โ€” if youโ€™re talking about his core being, you know, a majority white middle class, what I donโ€™t understand is how in the f**k do you feel like you relate to a billionaire who has never known struggle his entire f**king life.โ€

โ€œI will say this, he talks a good one,โ€ Em conceded. โ€œAnd if youโ€™re in his baseโ€ฆletโ€™s say youโ€™re going to the rallies or whatever, you watch him on TV, you hear him talking this sh*t, thereโ€™s part of me that understands, like, alright, heโ€™s somehow still got them because heโ€™s brainwashing them into thinking something great is going to happen. Nothingโ€™s happening. Nothing is happening.โ€


โ€œSeeing MAGAs posting this clip saying โ€˜Trump broke Eminem or that heโ€™s scared blah blah blahโ€™โ€ฆ..ummm no losers, Em is saying all you morons are brainwashed and heโ€™s absolutely right,โ€ wrote one fan of the wordsmith, with another adding, โ€œWow. Eminem completely nails how incredibly full of sh*t Trump is and how he manipulates his hardcore cult members.โ€

Eminem articulated many of these same matters with Trump during a 2017 interview with Vulture, telling the publication at the time, โ€œAt what point do you โ€“ a working-class citizen, someone whoโ€™s trying to make sh*t better for you and your family โ€“ think this guy whoโ€™s never known struggle his entire f**king life, who avoided the military because of bone spurs, who says heโ€™s a billionaire, is really looking out for you? Heโ€™s got people brainwashed.โ€

The Stan rapper  also plopped a scathing freestyling aiming at Trump during the 2017 BET Awards, and addressed its backlash the on 2018 Kamikaze track, โ€œThe Ringerโ€ where he rhymed, โ€œIf I could go back, Iโ€™d at least reword it / And say I empathize with the people this evil serpent sold the dream to that heโ€™s deserted.โ€ the Shady Records bankroller also touched on the secret service drawing near him following the freestyle.

Meanwhile, the US one-time President  is presently campaigning to be the Republican pick against Pres. Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential poll.

ยฉ 2023 โ€ข Story By Edem Latsu Nukafu
Writer’s email:edemlatsu093@gmail.com

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