Eminem’s daughter 27-year-oldย Hailie Jadeย announced Monday that her boyfriend,ย Evan McClintock, popped the question and she said yes.

She threw up a little slide show capturing the sweet moment which looked to be coupled with some champagne and snazzy winter wear. she also showed off the rock on that finger and it’s a beaut.
Her caption “casual weekend recap,” adding “i love you” while tagging Evan and tossing in emojis. Not much is known about the guy or his relationship with Hailie she keeps her life private, despite her famous dad. All we know is they’ve been dating for years since at least 2016, it seems, when she first posted photos with him and that Em seems to be cool with him.

Slim acknowledged in a podcast appearance earlier this year that his kiddo was on a good path in life having graduated college with a steady BF in tow so, it sounds like Papa approves.