Mr Logic Rebukes Sarkodie For Slamming Yvonne

Outspoken showbiz pundit/Presenter, Mr Logic has also expressed his opinion on Ghanaian rapper Sarkodieโ€™s reaction to movie star Yvonne Nelsonโ€™s memoir, โ€˜I Am Not Yvonne Nelson.โ€™

Granting an interview to host Caleb Nii Boye on Accra-based 3FM’s Showbiz 927 programme, Mr Logic worded that Sarkodie, as a notable figure in showbiz, should have taken a more cadenced approach in dealing with the issue.

The CEO of the Ghana Songwriters Association commenced his critique by drawing a similarity between a court of law and Sarkodieโ€™s position, indicating that when faced with concrete evidence, justifications often lose their validity.

โ€œIf in a court of law, we have physical evidence that you murdered someone, your explanation wonโ€™t make any sense because youโ€™ve actually killed the person. Maybe your attorneys can do one or two defences on your behalf,โ€ he clarified.

According to Mr Logic, the inappropriateness of Sarkodieโ€™s reaction lies in the fact that he brought up Yvonne Nelsonโ€™s relationships with other men instead of concentrating on the specific matter at hand.

โ€œItโ€™s inappropriate because Sark actually slept with Yvonne Nelson, if he didnโ€™t then he can explain his side of the story but rapping about how many people Yvonne Nelson slept with and how she used to give it to other persons, itโ€™s not necessary because we are talking about you and not the person she slept with,โ€ he emphasized.

Mr Logic continued and asserted that Sarkodieโ€™s level and stature make him too substantial to react in such a way.

โ€œThe song is inappropriate, heโ€™s too big to respond to Yvonne this way and no one can defend this. Anybody who says it was okay for him to do a diss song for Yvonne doesnโ€™t understand how this space works,โ€ he ended.

ยฉ 2023 โ€ข Story By Edem Latsu Nukafu
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