Securing Loans To Pillow The Economy Untenable – Rocky Dawuni

by Edem Latsu Nukafu

Ghanaian reggae phenomenon, Rocky Dawuni has articulated concern over Ghanaian leadersโ€™ inclination for borrowing to give โ€˜short-livedโ€™ economic solace. 

Appearing on Accra-based radio station 3FM’s Urban Blend Show and speaking to host Blakk Rasta, the multiple Grammy nominee emphasized that the Ghanaian economic norm of securing loans is not tolerable.

โ€œThe whole thing of going to take a loan and then everybody feels comfortable for a short period, because the economy is running and business is going on and then you keep owing, is not a sustainable modelโ€ he spoke of.

Since attaining sovereignty in 1957, Ghana has pursued loan aid and bailouts from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to facilitate the country to fulfil its expenditures to the rest of the world and revive the fitness of government finances seventeen (17) times, averaging once in every four years.

Meanwhile, the international monetary body Executive Board in May 2023 approved a US$3 Billion Extended Credit Facility Arrangement for Ghana amid several controversies and substantial opposition from several stakeholders.

Rocky Dawuni clarified that the reasonable path forward for Ghana out of her economic challenges is to go into manufacturing and value acquisition to the natural resources and produce.

โ€œWe need to start producing and we the people too have to create our resilience so that regardless of whatever happens at least we can guarantee opportunities or create opportunities for ourselvesโ€ Rocky Dawuni said.

He asserted that the difficulties of the country are going to be unravelled first of all by Ghanaians acknowledging that we have a problem. And that no one individual is a political saviour coming to unravel the difficulties.

โ€œThe only way we get Ghana out of this is for everybody to start working and everybody to work and make themselves better. That is the only way we can set the grounds up for leadership to be able to harness our readiness for us to move in the right directionโ€ he uttered on 3FM.

Rockyโ€™s recent tune โ€˜Shade Treeโ€™ dropped in September 2023, delves into the common destiny of humanity and the necessity for harmony just as the roots of the shade tree together, clasping the tree for its shade to be relished by all no matter what.

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